Reddit alwys asks the most interesting questions, and gets even more interesting answers. From the minds that gave you “What is something I’m better off not knowing?” comes an all-new question to keep the stories coming.
What was banned at your school, and why?
The thread did receive an array of stories, with bans birthing bizarre backfire rebuttals.
Some bans just aren’t helping students any. Hello, life skills?
Then there are some schools that just ban Google for ‘not being scholarly”. And the replacement just made life more difficult for everyone involved.
Even Looney Tunes shirts. Looney Tunes shirts! Remember those?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
And there are some bans that are… probably for the best.
Oh. That meme.
It takes mad skills to turn a toy into something that can bring the hurt on someone.
And when wearing anime hair can actually be harmful to your health.
Wow. we sure have come a long way. Back when I was an awkward high-schooler, the biggest things that were banned (read: penalized with an iron fist) were (1) colored hair accessories aside from beige, white, and black, (2) mobile phones and pagers (yes, it was the 90’s), and (3) skirts that dipped more than two inches below the knee. Eh, Catholic schools.