Redditor Finds A Way To Get Free Lifetime Supply Of Domino’s Pizza With A Simple Hack

Photo by Reddit/u/majoruwu

Wars have been fought over food, especially in the past and we are not just referring to the food fights you started in the cafeteria back in junior high. After all, food is a necessity and securing yourself a lifetime supply of it is also necessary. So, why not make it a lifetime supply of pizza? Dominos pizza nonetheless! How? One Reddit user has the answers….


But first, any Dominos pizza loyalist will know that they have a “Points for Pies” promotion where each order of their pizza will reward you with 10 points by scanning the pizza you bought from them. Accumulate 60 points and you get one free medium pizza. Sounds generous enough, right? Well, Reddit user u/majoruwu has found a way to make Domino’s even more generous; take a look:

please dont report this to dominos im living off of this right now from r/softwaregore

He/she used a method so easy, even a toddler can do it. By making a drawing of a pizza on Microsoft Paint, you are able to trick the app into thinking you actually bought a Dominos pizza. Do this six times and voila! You get a free pizza just for having semi-commendable MS Paint drawing skills.


Now, since Domino’s is making 100 million points available for everyone, that means they will give out more or less 1,666,666 pizzas. Even a fraction of that is enough to last a lifetime, in fact, around 100,000 pizzas are more than enough to feed one person with three medium pizzas a day for a century– there’s a word for that in Italy, it’s called heaven, capische?


Of course, the said Reddit user has pleaded the internet not to snitch on the “secret” hack since he/she is living off of Domino’s Points for Pies promo right now.


Unfortunately, he/she might have already sabotaged the lifetime supply of free Dominos pizza pies by sharing it to Reddit; the post now has 23,000 upvotes at the time of writing and counting. Someone could have snitched by now…

Photo by Reddit
Photo by Reddit
Photo by Reddit

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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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