6 Reasons Why You Need To Follow Stormy Daniels On Twitter

Stormy Daniels Twitter

Stormy Daniels has become my new favorite person to follow on Twitter. Not only is she hilarious, but her comebacks are so epic that they give the Clapback Queen Chrissy Teigen a run for her money. Tweeting at the adult film star or commenting on one of her posts has become a risky maneuver as she loves to call out trolls. If you’re not following Stormy Daniels’ Twitter page, you’re seriously missing out. Here’s why:

1. Her Tweets Are Vulgar

Daniels’ sense of humor is incredibly blunt and vulgar at times, a combination that I just can’t get enough of. Leave it to her to turn an incident with the paparazzi trying to take pictures up her skirt into a commentary about how everyone has seen her naked. This is just one of the many vulgar jokes she makes, something that not everyone seems to like. She has a way of shutting down the slut-shamers though.

2. She Shuts Down Slut-Shamers

There are a surprising amount of haters on Daniels’ Twitter page who have resorted to slut-shaming as their trolling method. Haven’t we decided to stop doing this? We wear the pink pussy hats, march with our signs, and flat out say that this is wrong yet we still have to deal with this sexist bullshit. Daniels’ responses are legendary though, and she really doesn’t let them get away with even the most basic jabs. She’s a sex worker who demands respect, a concept our country has been slow to grasp.

3. She’s An Activist For Sex Workers

“Sex workers are the very embodiment of the American dream. We are small business owners who want to make a better life for our loved ones, our communities, and ourselves.”

The stigma against sex workers has deep roots in America, especially against women in the business. Daniels gives a voice to those who work in the adult industry asking for respect and acknowledgment of their contributions. She offers a perspective that can better shape how our society treats women, regardless of their profession.

4. Her Clapbacks Are Epic

Stormy Daniels’ Twitter page is so full of clapbacks that nearly half of her posts are in response to an “unavailable” tweet. That’s right. She’s so brutally hilarious that most of the tweets she responded to were deleted due to humiliation. People love to publically put others down on social media but can’t handle being called out for it. When will they learn?

5. She Stands Up To Trump

You have to hand it to the woman. She has risked everything to shed light on the kind of person we have leading our country and hasn’t backed down for even a moment. Daniels’ stands up for herself without losing her sense of humor, making Trump look like an even bigger fool for tweeting from the White House. Now, that’s talent!

6. She’s Just Funny

If you thought her appearance on SNL was funny, you haven’t seen her best work. Imagine that sassy attitude without censorship, and that’s Stormy Daniels’ Twitter account for you. Follow her! You won’t regret it!

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Rose Burke

Freelance writer and art enthusiast, Rose Burke, often writes humorous essays inspired by awkward dating experiences and life’s cruel sense of humor. When she's not doing that, she's typically writing entertainment articles on women's issues, politics, feminism, and other trending topics her readers love. Her work has been published in The Southampton Review, The Conium Review, The Richest, The Independent, CINEMABLEND, and more. Author of the popular feminist blog series "Writings of the Satirical Feminista," Rose is currently focusing on a collection of humorous personal essays while she travels the world.


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