Does a Tonight Show lip sync battle every disappoint? If you think one has… don’t answer that question.
This special post-Super Bowl episode of The Tonight Show features Get Hard co-stars Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart. See that trailer here. This is just a taste of the hilarity that ensues: Hart and Ferrell at the Super Bowl together.
Because THIS lip sync battle with Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, and Drew Barrymore does not disappoint at all. Sadly, Will Ferrell was wearing his Seattle Seahawks sweatshirt, but his “Drunk In Love” performance made up for his team’s Super Bowl loss. He made Beyoncé proud. To just illustrate how good? He started on all fours.
Throw in a little Fallon Kelly Clarkson magic, mixed in with some Kevin Hart sings the slow tearjerker “All Of Me” by John Legend. Ferrell steps up to the plate to sing a song you may or may not have heard 10,000 times, “Let It Go” by ‘Adele Dazeen aka Idina Menzel in Disney’s Frozen.
Then. Oh then. Jimmy Fallon steps it up 8 notchs by doing the classic Dirty Dancing “Time of my Life” song and dance accompanied by Drew Barrymore. Watch them NAIL that lift below.
[Photo credit: YouTube]