Are you ready for the cold season to end? Well, according to groundhog Punxsutawney Phil we’re going to have six more weeks of winter.
Just in: #PunxsutawneyPhil sees his shadow #SixMoreWeeksOfWinter
— Robin Meade (@RobinMeade) February 2, 2015
This Groundhog day prediction shouldn’t be much of a surprise for the midwest. The Chicago blizzard, the fifth largest in the city’s history, dropped close to 20 inches of snow on the city.
Meanwhile in Chicago… #ChicagoBlizzard — M. Earl Taylor II (@MelvinTaylorII) February 2, 2015
The groundhog may not be the most reliable method of weather prediction. According to NPR, Punxsutawney Phill only gets it right about 39% of the time.
“According to, the groundhog method of forecasting is, well, less than reliable. Phil’s gotten it right just 39 percent of the time since 1887. Weather models, probabilities and all else aside, that’s worse than a simple coin toss.”
But Bill Deeley, Punsutawney Phil’s handler, insists that Phil should be trusted above all other sources.
Deeley said: “Forecasts abound on the Internet, but, I, Punxsutawney Phil am still your best bet. Yes, a shadow I see, you can start to Twitter, hash tag: Six more weeks of winter!”
Six more weeks of winter or not, we all know what today is really about. Today is a day to celebrate the classic Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day.