‘Who’s That Girl’ YouTube Campaign Reunites Vacationer With Her Lost Photos

Who's That Girl YouTube Video

Peter van Leeuwen found an SD card that contained 300 images at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands. Instead of keeping the card or throwing it away Leeuwen launched a YouTube campaign to find the cards owner.

In January Leeuwen posted the YouTube video and in his posting he used a slideshow to showcase the unidentified women’s European backpacking trip.

The video is titled “Who’s that girl?” and is just 24-seconds long. In the video Peter proclaims:

“We are looking for this girl. We found her SD card. If you know her, please contact us.”

The girl was English Catriona Bowman, a navtive of England who is currently living in France.

More than 35,000 people viewed the video before Bowman was alerted to her SD cards whereabouts.

Amazingly this is not even the first time a YouTube video has reunited an owner with their property. Back in 2011 Todd Bieber created a YouTube video that eventually united the owner of a lost film canister.

Leeuwen’s YouTube video features the song “Who’s that Girl” by the singer Eve.

Here is the “Who’s that Girl” YouTube video:




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