Donald Trump may not share the same hairline as Lord Voldemort (not yet at least), but the two do seem to share quite a few personality traits. Enough, at least, for it to be tough to tell the difference between their quotes. If you’re not familiar with the Harry Potter series and Voldemort, aka He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, all you really need to know is that he’s the evil snake-looking guy you’ve likely seen in all of the movie promotions. He’s bad and says bad things, much like our humble leader. See if you can figure out who said these quotes, Trump or Voldemort.
“I’d introduce you, but rumor has it you’re almost as famous as me these days.”
Like all of these quotes, this could really go either way. His words have the kind of banter that piss off even the best of us and finishes off with a hint of narcissism. Either Voldemort or Trump could have easily said it, but only one of these men have spoken these words. So, who was it? If you were thinking Trump, then you’d be wrong!
Answer: Lord Voldemort
Voldemort spoke these words to Harry after the Triwizard Cup turned out to be a Portkey which delivered Harry and Cedric Diggory to a graveyard in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Here the two were surrounded by Death Eaters, one which was Lord Voldemort himself who spoke these words to his rival as he was bound to the grave of the Dark Lord’s father.
“There is no good and evil, there is only power…and those too weak to seek it.”
A common theme within both Trump’s and Voldemort’s quotes are words of extreme opposition. Good and evil. Winning and losing. Big and small (hands). Everything they do is exceptional, yet their vocabulary isn’t large enough to accurately describe it, so they just say “good” and “great” a whole lot. I hope you didn’t think this would be a Trump quote simply because the last one belonged to Voldemort.
Answer: Lord Voldemort
This quote also belongs to Lord Voldemort. Well, technically it was spoken by Professor Quirrell in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, but since You-Know-Who was riding shotgun on the back of his head, it was his thoughts that inspired these words.
“Torture works. Believe me, it works.”
Answer: Donald Trump
“They never learn. Pity.”
Answer: Lord Voldemort
“Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.”
Here’s some more narcissism for you. Just like any other self-absorbed nitwit, the man behind this statement can’t help but think that the world can’t go on without him. That his disappearance from the spotlight would in some way make such an impact on the people that they’d have nothing left to do but sit around wondering when he’ll return. Sounds like this could be either a Trump or Voldemort quote, but it can only be attributed to one of them.
Answer: Donald Trump
It’s hard to say exactly when Trump first made this statement, but it seems to have been primarily used to help promote his presidential candidacy. He used it to gain followers on social media, which would normally indicate that he didn’t write it himself. However, Trump is far too egotistical to allow that. The world is nothing more than him and his neverending story.
“Sometimes by losing a battle, you find a new way to win the war.”
So, you’ve probably heard some version of this quote before as it’s not at all an original. It usually goes more like, “Sometimes you have to lose some battles to win the war,” or “Losing the battle doesn’t mean you lose the war.” The fact that this quote is basically stolen might give away who said it, so let’s get right to the answer.
Answer: Donald Trump
Surprise, surprise! Donald Trump took someone else’s quote and claimed it for himself. Now we know where Melania gets it from. The quote was shared on his Twitter page and was actually given credit to his book, The Art of the Deal. Ummm, can he do that? He may have written those words in his book, but it’s not his original thought. It belongs to someone else. Someone from a long, long time ago.
“I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me. I can make them hurt if I want to.”