Do you want to work for Google? Luckily, getting your foot in the door can be as simple as starting a Google+ account.
Google was no. 1 on Fortune‘s “100 Best Companies to Work For” list in 2013, and from the outsider-looking-in perspective, a Google job would be a pretty “sexy” one to have. If you want cubicle real estate in one of Google’s 70 offices in 40 countries around the world, Google+ is actually the place you want to start, according to an infographic from, SocialTimes, and GPlusData.
Google made its job board available on Google+ last December, putting you in much closer contact with industry connections than you might think. It’s like “six degrees of separation,” social-style. You’ve probably heard before that securing gainful employment is less about “what you know” and more about “who you know,” and that’s usually true. Hence, why Google is helping you with the “who you know” part if you want to work for the company.
The career connection tool is only available to Google’s job board at present, but stacked with Gmail and other Google productivity tools, Google+ might rival LinkedIn soon. This follows my long-held assumption that Google+ can’t decide who they want to be as a social network, hence, they will be everyone. The Wal-Mart of social.
Anyway, here’s the infographic. Let us know what you think. Do you want a job at Google?