VitaminWater Offers $100k To Go Smartphone Free! Can YOU Do It?


VitaminWater is presently offering a $100k prize to any person willing to go “scroll free” and put their smartphone down for an entire year.

via Gifer

The water company stated its ‘Scroll Free for Year contest’ will award $100,000 USD to an individual who can give up their smartphone for 365 total days and $10,000 USD if they make it only to six months.

VitaminWater explained a lie detector test will be given at the finalization of the year to verify the person has not touched or used any smartphones for a whole year.

The beverage establishment said the selected contestant will be furnished with a 1996-era cellular phone to use for the year. 

Persons interested in participating in the contest are being called on to make a Twitter or Instagram post using the hashtags “#nophoneforayear” and “#contest” before January 8.

One “lucky” contestant will be drawn from the entries and will be given the opportunity to take home the $100,000 prize.

It’s said: 1 out of 2 people CAN NOT live without their smartphone! Thereby, it’s a strong chance that VitaminWater may just keep that $100k in their pocket after all.

Mobile phone overuse is an (actual) dependence syndrome seen among cell phone users.

Some smartphone users display problematic traits related to substance use disorders. 

And then, you have nomophobia – the fear of being without your smartphone – which, affects 40% of the (cell phone using) population. Now, whether you can get diagnosed with it and prescribed a note from your doc stating that you ‘have to have, and have to use your smartphone during work hours,’  we have the darndest clue about.


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