Vine Gets Comic Book Treatment From Team At Code ComputerLove

The Last Drop - Vine Comic Book Series

Vine has only been around for a very short period of time, yet company’s have quickly adapted the GIFs based video looping program to their own needs. One of those groups is Manchester, England based digital agency Code ComputerLove. That company took the Twitter-based tool and used it to redefine how we view comics.

Using eight Vines the company has created a “comic book” titled “The Last Drop.”

The riveting comic follows the exploits of a man who defends his right to a glass of milk.

Just like a regular comic book Code ComputerLove uses speech bubbles and crazy captions to tell the comic book story.

You can view the entire collection of comic-based Vines hereand they have been placed in such a way that the entire story can be watched with the click of a single button.

It looks like Code ComputerLove might be preparing the next comic book in the series as the video ends with a “to be continued capture.”

We are hoping for chocolate milk in the second Vine-based comic book series.



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