Unruly Unveils Top Vine Metrics, Reveals 100 Most Tweeted Vines


Can you believe that the Twitter owned Vine app is already 100 days old? In celebration of the minor milestone the team at Unruly Media have put together a list of the top ten shared vines and information about the 100 most tweeted Vines.

With branded Vines 4 times more likely to be shared than branded videos and five Vines being sent every second we can definitely see the important of rising above the noise.

According to Unruly the study found that more Vine tweets occur during the weekend than all other days of the week combined.

In collecting data from more than 10 million Vines over a one-month period Unruly Media discovered the following metrics:

  • On average, 5 tweets per second contained a Vine link;
  • Weekends are the most popular time to share Vines. In fact, in most cases, they are more popular than all the previous weekdays combined;
  • Branded content accounts for 4% of the Top 100 tracked Vines (in comparison, only 1% of content is branded in the Unruly Viral Video Chart Top 100 Most Shared Videos);
  • Between 10-11 am EDT is when most Vine activity occurs;
  • Out of the 10 million Vines sampled, only 433 had more than 500 tweets, 176 had over 1,000 tweets and just 51 had more than 2,000 tweets;
  • The largest number of Vine tweets during the sample period (19,667) was sent on Monday, April 15 at 3-4pm EDT – just after the Boston Marathon explosions
  • The number one Vine tracked over the period had 47,000 tweets, while the 100th most shared Vine video had 1,400 (see link below for top 100).

Speaking about the company’s findings Unruly CTO Matt Cooke says:

“This data can really help brands determine a strategy for using Vine in their marketing efforts. We have already seen brands like General Electric, adidas, AT&T, Volvo, Pepsi-Co and GAP adapt to the platform.”

Top 20 Most Tweeted Vines

Author Description RTs Link
1 Harry Styles Emo’s getting ready 47,894 https://vine.co/v/btBiEqQpgeU
2 Doug Boston Marathon news 39,546 https://vine.co/v/bFdt5uwg6JZ
3 Harry Styles Running and getting swooped at 33,757 https://vine.co/v/bUn7ddg2j9r
4 Lou Teasdale Clickin clubbing 25,146 https://vine.co/v/btbFIFKh9qX
5 TylerTheCreator SIKE!!!!! 16,708 https://vine.co/v/btXPeEhvpjL
6 TylerTheCreator Real Harlem Shake 12,573 https://vine.co/v/bDFIMdrr6BK
7 Mike Carroll FBI agent climbing 11,015 https://vine.co/v/bU6YvrOvnvx
8 Mike Lerner That’s a lot of phones 7,515 https://vine.co/v/bUMaEpnnjLn
9 The Wolverine Movie Teaser 7,312 https://vine.co/v/bDExaiMjJ1F
10 Will Sasso I Will Always Love You 7,076 https://vine.co/v/bgep05eMY3l
11 Lou Teasdale Happy Birthday Tour 6,751 https://vine.co/v/bDMMiIjLVq0
12 Darren Criss Blaine/Darren 6,204 https://vine.co/v/bUXa5dq22HW
13 Wiz Khalifa Best mom ever 6,121 https://vine.co/v/bFqbzzH2zmD
14 Lou Teasdale Me and Niall tour bus 5,525 https://vine.co/v/bDbuFEZd1BX
15 Wiz Khalifa Im finna teleport 5,403 https://vine.co/v/btlIn0b067x
16 Uncle Blazer PSA 4,974 https://vine.co/v/bj17p6hiiv0
17 Darren Criss Principal’s office 4,629 https://vine.co/v/bTKiUUpZJFd
18 Darren Criss Blaine on tour 4,290 https://vine.co/v/bPF6rA5bjpL
19 Kellin Quinn Me getting naked 4,142 https://vine.co/v/bjj6erPUPEa
20 Marlo Meekins MarLo Meekins’s post 3,972 https://vine.co/v/b623zdwVuJB

Cooke further adds:

“Vine sharing is really starting to take off. In just over 100 days, we are already seeing 5 Vine videos being shared every second. There is a massive opportunity here for brands to get really creative with this 6-second sensation, either to grab people’s attention quickly or as part of a much larger content marketing strategy.”

The platform has become so popular that the team at Unruly actually created a Social Video Player plug-in that allows brand to integrate Vine into their current social video campaigns.

Data for the study was collected from March 22 through April 22 and included more than 10 million Twitter sourced Vine posts. The company’s used its own Unruly Analytics program to query the results.

To view the 100 Most Tweeted Vines click HERE.

Do you have a favorite Tweet so far? We are partial to the team at MLB 13: The Showsince they created real looking baseball cards out of the Vine platform. We also really like the team at Code ComputerLove since they debuted Vine’s first ever comic book posts.


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