Twitter Reveals Automatic Link Shortening For links on Twitter have been showing up for a while now, however the company has never implemented automatic link shortening, at least they hadn’t before today.

According to Twitter:

Just paste a link of any length into the Tweet box on After you’ve composed your Tweet and you hit the “Tweet” button, we’ll shorten the link so that it only takes up 19 characters.

The program is meant to work with current security standards to ensure users are kept safe through proper Twitter system vetting for URLs.

The program as you may have noticed has also been cut down from the prior 20 characters to just 19, leaving users with a joyous 121 instead of 120 characters.

For users of other third party link shortening services such as or, Twitter still allows those links to work outside of their own service.

James Kosur

James Kosur has worked in the new media space for the last 10 years, helping many publications build their audiences to millions of monthly readers. He currently serves as the CEO of Aven Enterprises LLC.


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