Twitter Launches Periscope, a Meerkat Rival

If you are active on social media, chances are that you would have heard of newly released Periscope and Meerkat, which arrived a few weeks before that. There was a time when keeping abreast with the latest meant knowing the latest virus threat but now everyday something new comes up. If you haven’t heard of these, Meerkat and Periscope are live video streaming apps. Currently both are available only for iPhone users but Android users need not despair. An Android version will be out shortly.

The potential for Periscope and Meerkat is immense, though when streaming material from their PC, users need to be aware of security concerns. These days, if you are going to be broadcasting live information from your device, you need protection like keystroke encryption and password managing software. The best part about this technology is that it works across multiple devices. Even if you only use one device, you are ensuring that your browser is secure. Users of advanced technology especially need to be aware of these tools.

Both Meerkat and Periscope need you to have a twitter account to use them. But, Periscope is owned by Twitter while Meerkat is not. Periscope was rolled out by Twitter as a rival to Meerkat. Therefore, it will be interesting to see whether Meerkat will be able to survive the arrival of Periscope given that Periscope has the might of Twitter behind it.

Though both are similar in their functionality, there are some difference. While both allow live streaming of videos, only Periscope allows you to save the stream. Meerkat, however, allows you to restream the video you are watching. Periscope also streams live video to web browsers. So, clearly Periscope does seem to have a lot more advantage than Meerkat. But, then Meerkat was developed in eight weeks while Periscope took a year.

Periscope is easy to use. All you have to do is download the app and sign in using your twitter details. You can enable notifications and can follow other users of Periscope. Once that is over you will see the main screen, which has a menu bar at the bottom. Just touch the tab that allows the camera to be on along with the microphone. Your location will also be visible.

There are basically three tabs on the menu bar. The first shows the current broadcasts as well as recent ones that you missed. The second tab is what you have to tap to broadcast your video. Touching this enables the camera and microphone. The third tab allows you to search for people on Periscope. You can also right click on this tab to change your profile settings.

If you want to broadcast your video, as mentioned above, press on the second tab of the menu. If you want you can describe what you are about to telecast. If you don’t want the location to be seen then you can disable it. You can also make the telecast private and post it on Twitter. Once you are ready, touch ‘Start Broadcast’ to actually start it. While broadcasting you can do a lot of things like flip the camera, chat with live viewers and so on. If you want to stop just touch the ‘Stop Broadcast’ after which you can replay the video or save or delete it. You will also be informed about how many people watched your broadcast and other details.

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