Twitter Conversations Fuel TV Show Ratings, Study Reveals

Social Media

A new study published by Nielsen reveals that Twitter conversations can actually lead to a boost in TV show ratings. Nielsen examined tweets alongside up-to-date ratings of 221 prime-time episodes.

According to executive vice president Mike Hess, Twitter messages lead to a “significant increase” in TV show ratings 29 percent of the time. Also, 48 percent of the time, ratings affected the volume of tweets sent.

Twitter, thanks to its 150 million plus active users, has long been considered an influence on TV shows, and in December 2012, announced a partnership with Nielsen resulting in a new measurement titled the “Nielsen Twitter TV Rating.”

It’s expected to launch in the second half of 2013, helping networks and advertisers to better measure discussion happening around TV shows. More recently, Twitter launched a new ad-targeting service which allows networks to target users based on specific shows they may be tweeting about.



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