With Twitter invading every part of our lives it was only a matter of time before it joined us in death. Startup LivesOn is a new social application that allows users to keep on Tweeting after they have shuffled off this mortal coil.
The app’s tagline is pretty straight forward, funny, and a bit creepy:
“When your heart stops beating, you’ll keep tweeting.”
After you die the app selects posts you would probably like based on your living habits and it posts those selections under your Twitter handle.
Dave Bedwood, creative partner of Lean Mean Fighting Machine, the London-based ad agency developing LivesOn, tells The Guardian:
“It offends some, and delights others. Imagine if people started to see it as a legitimate but small way to live on. Cryogenics costs a fortune; this is free and I’d bet it will work better than a frozen head.”
Other services such as DeadSocial require users to create messages and then schedule them after death, while the program serves as a final farewell for users, the LivesOn app takes social media aggregation to a whole new level.
I personally think the entire concept is pretty creepy, at the same time I love the idea of a computerized version of me continuing to mock Breitbart on Twitter long after my death.
If LivesOn is smart with their platform they will gain permission to post the occasional ad on a deceased persons Twitter account. Ads would allow LivesOn to provide a unique service while capitalizing on the followers their platform continues to engage with.