Donald Trump’s Twitter Account Hacked, Promises To Go After Perpetrators

Donald Trump Twitter Hack

Donald Trump’s Twitter account was hacked on Thursday and soon afterwards lyrics from the rapper Little Wayne started appearing on The Donald’s account.

The Twitter account seemed to be uncompromising in the earlier hours of the day as Donald continues his rants about “giving our country away” and warning Republican lawmakers to be “careful with immigration.”

Later in the day however the following tweet appeared:

Donald Trump Hacked Twitter Account

After the hack Donald Trump regained control of the account and said it was “seriously hacked” and that he would find the culprits.

Trump tweeted:

Following his promise to hunt down the Twitter hacker users on the popular micro-blogging platform cracked jokes about his search:

A common theme is that users believe his account and its often grating tweets has been hacked for years. One user responded to the Donald Trump Twitter hack with the following tweet:

Trump seemed most upset at Twitter for allowing hacks to occur in the first place:

Here’s a tip for Donald Trump, don’t make your password “IamsecretelyinlovewithRosieOdonnell”



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