Here Are A Few Cafe Chalkboards That Won Everything

Cafe chalkboards are the best way to get people in, and when they make the customers chuckle, they always win.

cafe blackboards

In my experience as a coffeeshop barista I’ve found that the people who work at cafes are usually some of the most witty individuals on the planet. That’s probably because we all seem to have useless degrees like philosophy, English, or art history.

Life has deemed us pointless and so we’ve deemed life pointless as well. With a limited number of outlets for our wittiness, some of us take out our passion for undiscovered humor on the blackboards that sit outside. I can’t tell you how many great ideas I’ve dreamed up for the sign outside our Starbucks. Here are a few of the best that the internet has to offer.

There are no cafes without hipsters.

Star Wars seems to be a common theme. We don’t really have a good explanation for that except probably, the obvious one, quite simply a lot of us are nerds.é-in-my-town-wishing

…and so may yours! #cafeblackboards #thecounterpetersham

A photo posted by Caroline Cullen (@kidculski) on

This is putting it bluntly.

This one is “Back To The Future”, get it?!

#cafechalkboards @onegirlcookies it’s so cold, no wonder!

A photo posted by Christine Knight ( on

Featured Image: [Flickr/Gareth Williams]

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