Tumblr Releases New Photo App For iOS Devices

If you own an iPhone or iPad, Tumblr is now making it easier to share photos with Photoset. Photos are some of the most popular content on the Internet and this new app allows users to upload entire albums in just a few clicks.

From the Tumblr Staff blog:

“The new Photoset app is an elegant way to create photosets, even if you’re not using Tumblr. Just tap and drag to lay out your photoset. Once you’ve got it just right, post to your blog or upload to photoset.com — where it can be shared with anyone, anywhere.”

Once you’ve chosen photos to share, you can add a caption, location, and date taken. What’s great about the Photoset app is you can share an album with anyone using the Photoset.com website as a host. With the photos uploaded, the app provides a link that you can share, including a tweet and email button.

You can also choose to upload photos to Tumblr instead if you prefer. The app also functions as a camera, allowing you to take photos without leaving the program.

Photoset is available now from the App Store, you can download it here.



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