A new video of cops performing an illegal search in South Carolina is going viral. The dashcam video shows the Aiken County police officers performing a cavity search on two African-American citizens. According to The Telegraph, the couple was pulled over for having temporary tags on their car. Which is not illegal, like anywhere, unless the tags are expired (they weren’t).
This illegal search happened a while ago, back in October of 2014. This is all blowing up now because there’s a federal lawsuit that was recently filed. The couple in the car are Lakeya Hicks and Elijah Pontoon. One of the cops, who was identified by the Washington Post as Officer Chris Medlin tells the man at 1:30 “I know you from before…that’s why I put a dog on the car”.
Medlin says that he “felt something hard up in his butt”, which Pontoon stated was a hemorrhoid. The officer admits that he has nothing else to go on and they leave the couple on the side of the road. According to the Washington Post the illegal search involved “lifting Ms Hicks’ T-shirt and exposing her breasts in the presence of three male officers in a public area close to Aiken town centre.”
The video of the illegal search was quickly picked up by mainstream media and has been making rounds on Facebook and Twitter. This sort of treatment of African-Americans is still startlingly prevalent in the south.
"The anal probe happens out of direct view of the camera, but the audio leaves little doubt about what’s happening."
Posted by Washington Post Opinions, Outlook, and PostEverything on Friday, April 1, 2016
White police officers carry out "illegal" humiliating roadside cavity search of black man https://t.co/mwY00s0UpO pic.twitter.com/16StMZ0qdV
— Daily Mirror (@DailyMirror) April 2, 2016
Black man subjected to "illegal" public cavity search by white police officers, suit alleges https://t.co/2gBTdMT1Fi pic.twitter.com/i0tiVIYb9H
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) April 2, 2016
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Featured Image: [Flickr/Scott Davidson]