Happy Mother’s Day! Happy birthday, Mom! … Err, kind of?
A desperate thief broke into a 82-year-old widow’s home in Hawkshead Court, Newcastle, and stole a birdbath in her garden, leaving behind an apologetic note scrawled on a piece of cardboard.
The note reads: “I am so very sorry. I wouldn’t in a million years have done this but I had to. It is my mother’s birthday and I am in a very bad place. I can’t afford a birthday present and she doesn’t know how bad it is. With deep regrets, sorry. This is all I can think of I am so very sorry. When I can afford it I will replace it.”
The birdbath had been one of the widow’s prized possessions, as it had been a gift to her from her husband over fifty years ago.
The elderly widow who was divested of her birdbath only had soft words tinged with a bit of sadness to say of the incident.
“I loved watching the antics of the birds in my bird bath and the birds are missing it too,” she said. “Yesterday, a pair of collared doves who are daily visitors just sat on the fence facing the empty spot for over an hour.
“I can understand that this man’s appreciation of his mother makes him feel it is so important to give her a birthday present. What he doesn’t understand is the shock and deep disappointment she would feel if she knew that he has become a thief in his desire to please her.” shaking her head she sighed, “”Her love for him will be strong enough that she will forgive him but her disappointment in his action will never be forgotten.”
“If only he had admitted his helplessness to his mother, she of all people would understand and she and he and myself would all be happier people today. Lack of communication is the cause of so much unhappiness and it is so easily avoidable.”
“I will have problems finding a replacement to match up with the existing situation since the missing bird bath was bought 25 years ago by my husband who is now deceased.
“We were married for 53 years. A new bird bath won’t ever replace it.”
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