Justin Casquejo is one of those crazies who get their rocks off by dangling from the edge of tall structures and filming the stunt with a GoPro camera. Sunday night Casquejo climbed 1 World Trade Center, the supposedly secure structure in place of the building terrorists knocked down.
Casquejo, 16, was able to reach the top of the Freedom Tower with some sneaky 4 a.m. tactics. After reaching the 88th floor by elevator Casquejo bypassed a sleeping security guard to the roof. He then climbed the building antenna to reach the 1,776 foot summit. After two hours on top of New York Casquejo climbed down and was arrested.
Police reported seeing the blinking red light from his GoPro camera while Casquejo was on top.
The teenager from nearby Weekhawken, NJ said he slipped through a hole in a fence and found access to 1 World Trade Center after roaming the construction sight. According to the New York Post Casquejo has been interested in the structure for an undetermined length of time.
A quick look at Justin Casquejo’s Twitter handle shows the 1 WTC climb wasn’t the first time he made a dumb decision. In the foolish tradition of Mustang Wanted here is Casquejo hanging high above city streets from a crane.
What have you done with your life? pic.twitter.com/6uZCW4mk3p
— Justin (@JustinCasquejo) November 6, 2013
The teen garnered 7 whole retweets for the stunt! 12 favorites! For that kind of feedback risking your life is well worth it. The day after tweeting a picture of himself hanging on to life by one hand, Casquejo reminds us all of being a teen again.
My mom is fucking retarded.
— Justin (@JustinCasquejo) November 6, 2013
I don’t care what Mom is saying to you Justin. Listen to her! Please kid.
Hoboken crane climb. @BabyDickSteve @_PrinceBelAir @MistaSwaggaboy pic.twitter.com/Xlv3QTqVKA
— Justin (@JustinCasquejo) March 2, 2014
Looking on the bright side for Casquejo and his crew. When something inevitably goes wrong during one of these climbs, some of them will already be dressed for the funeral! Who needs embalming anyways?
Climb a crane in a suit? That’s a must. pic.twitter.com/oGbJ5ZAfvd
— Steven Peralta (@BabyDickSteve) March 2, 2014
Flipping into the Hudson because we’re crazy. pic.twitter.com/5Vw38iQSu3
— Justin (@JustinCasquejo) November 10, 2013
Back flipping in to the Hudson River is a safe stunt by Justin Casquejo standards.
If I learned any lessons during my 30 minutes on Casquejo’s Twitter feed it’s that kids can and will do stupid things. Stay tuned for “Climbing World Trade Center” on YouTube.
[Image Credit: CBP Photography]