Teen Poses As Doctor For A Month Before Anyone Notices

Doctor with mask

Is there a doctor in the building? One Florida hospital is doing some damage control after discovering a 17-year-old boy who had been posting as an OB/GYN for a month before being discovered. St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach discovered the troubled teen was posing as “Dr. Robinson.” The medical workers said they didn’t question the “doctor” as he walked through the halls. They just figured graduates were looking younger and younger these days.

St. Mary’s Medical Center released a statement on the incident:

“On January 13, an individual was detained by security at St. Mary’s Medical Center after falsely presenting himself as a physician. The individual never had contact with any hospital patients and did not gain access to any patient care areas of the hospital at any time. The hospital immediately notified local authorities, who took the individual into custody, and we are cooperating with their ongoing investigation. The safety and security of patients is our highest priority.”

St. Mary's Medical Center
[Photo credit: news965]
Contrary to the statement, which says the teen never had access to any patients, the imposter doctor was discovered in an examination room with a patient. Donning a surgery mask and stethoscope, the teen was approached by security and arrested.

News Channel 9 reports, the medical staff decided no to press any charges against the troubled individual. He was released into his mother’s custody, who said the boy is prescribed medication, but refuses to take it.

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