Wanting someone out of the house because they are sad may no longer be an insensitive gesture. In fact, it might even be crucial for sad or depressed people to catch some sunlight (assuming there is sunlight to be caught). That is because one study in Ireland has concluded that sunlight can help fight against depression. How? Through vitamin D.
Scientists from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) have recently conducted
They conducted the study by keeping track of participants over a four-year period, hence the results.
The scientists also found out that older adults who have low levels of vitamin D are 75 percent more likely to develop serious depression. Now, the thing about vitamin D is that our skin is actually designed to make large amounts of vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. That means exposure to the sun can actually help you fight against depression.
So if you are feeling a bit down, a bit of sunshine wouldn’t hurt. Apart from helping you fight against depression, vitamin D can also strengthen the bones and also help with diabetes, inflammation, and other serious medical issues.
Would vitamin D supplements do the same job as sunshine? Apparently it can, though it also comes with bad side effects because they are synthetic. Sunlight does come with the negative effects of sunburn and wrinkles but at least it is free and is more effective than a substitute. Also, sunlight through a window does not count. So get out of the house and do some photosynthesis.
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