[Social Crime] Facebook Status Update May Have Prompted Armed Robbery

Although my personal list of things not to share on Facebook is short and succinct, we’ve discussed not airing your criminal laundry to all and sundry using Facebook or other social networks.

And while sharing successes is perfectly acceptable, there is a fine line between updating and opening yourself to violent crime. No one likes a Facebook braggart, and two Illinois women got a bit of a rude awakening when the Facebook status of one of the women apparently prompted a violent home invasion.

According to local press, one of the women won a rather large civil court settlement and shared news of her windfall on Facebook. Before long, the women found themselves on the business end of some firearms:

Police are seeking two men who allegedly broke into the residence in the 1100 block of Rock Springs Drive about 1:30 a.m. on Monday.

Golike said the men, both wearing bandannas and armed with handguns, burst into the home and held residents at gunpoint.

The robbers didn’t score any cash, but did make off with some of the victims’ personal items. (Exactly what was stolen was not disclosed.) Police have not apprehended any suspects in the case, but believe they have a good idea of who the perpetrators may be.

While vaguebooking is usually annoying, winning a large sum of cash may be one of the few circumstances where it’s appropriate.



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