Skype 5.5 Beta Adds Facebook Messaging, Likes And Other Integrations

Skype App with Facebook Integration

Skype 5.5 beta has been released and with it comes plenty of Facebook Integration. The new version of the popular chat and VoIP application brings with it the ability to instant message Facebook friends while adding a Facebook contacts tab to separate your FB friends from your Skype list.

Along with that integration Skype has added the ability to “Like” and even comment on your friends Facebook status messages without needing to leave the Skype platform.

Along with the company’s new social network integration they have also introduced a new Call Control Toolbar that offers more sleek looking icons and allows for phone numbers to be more easily saved in the “Call Phones” section, while placing a call on hold brings with it better visuals.

Here’s a look at the new Skype 5.5 version:

Skype App with Facebook Integration

What do you think about the new Facebook integration? Now it’s become even hard in my opinion to escape Facebook even for a few minutes.

James Kosur

James Kosur has worked in the new media space for the last 10 years, helping many publications build their audiences to millions of monthly readers. He currently serves as the CEO of Aven Enterprises LLC.


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