Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson has his sights set on winning more than just the Super Bowl. After being selected by the Texas Rangers in the MLB Rule 5 Draft, Wilson tweeted his commitment to join the team in Arizona.
Of course, there is no reason to believe Wison will actually play for the Rangers this season, he plays the most important position in the NFL for the defending Super Bowl champion Seahawks. Do you really think he would want to risk injury coming off of a Super Bowl victory?
Then again, he wouldn’t be the first athlete to pursue a multi-sport career. A number of great athletes have played football and baseball including Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders. And don’t forget NBA great Michael Jordan’s short lived MLB vacation.
So is Russell Wilson serious? Maybe. On Thursday he tweeted a picture of himself holding up a Rangers jersey with his last name and number:
Hey @Rangers fans… See you at “Surprise” Arizona on March 3! #SpringTraining
— Russell Wilson (@DangeRussWilson) February 20, 2014
The good news is the mystery of Russell Wilson’s baseball future will be solved soon. Spring Training games will begin in March, around the time he is planning to show up. He was drafted once in 2007 and once in 2010. The Rangers are just hoping the third times the charm.
Still, it’s easy to assume Russell Wilson is only doing it for the novelty of the situation. Players have already reported to Spring Training in Arizona, and he hasn’t. Wilson should enjoy the moment though, he has a bright future ahead of him, and he is clearly going to take anything for granted.