It’s that time of year again. Romance is in the air. Flower sales are up. Terrible candy is being consumed at an alarming rate… Yes, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and Twitter users are sharing the love for #RejectedCandyHearts.
— VALENTINES DAY CARDS (@theVdaycard) February 11, 2014
Rejected Candy Hearts have become a bit of a tradition on social media. The foreveralones, the ForeverStuckToSomeoneIHates, and the plain desperate get together over the internet and share their favorite andti-Valentine’s Day slogans.
Happy Valentine’s Day 😉 #RejectedCandyHearts
— Charles (@ThirstyAC) February 14, 2013
— WhiskeyDisks™ (@WhiskeyDisks) February 11, 2014
— Kurt’s Temper (@KurtsTemper) February 11, 2014
We took #rejectedcandyhearts and made #CCValentines. We are handing these out all over NYC. Find us!
— Comedy Central (@ComedyCentral) February 14, 2013
Doesn’t that just make you feel so warm inside? Valentine’s Day is still a few days away so don’t worry if you don’t have a date yet. Of course, if you can’t find Mr. Right, you can always settle for the boyfriend pillow.
Lonely this #ValentinesDay? Meet the #BoyfriendPillow:
— Amazon UK (@AmazonUK) February 11, 2014
Sigh… Happy Valentines Day… I guess.