Believe it or not, there’s more to being a professor than showing up and teaching class. And no, I don’t mean scouring the earth for magical artifacts and fighting Nazis, at least not this time. I’m actually talking about the rapport educators need to build with their students. It’s an important part of the job. As a professor, their success is your success. That means being available at all times to answer questions and guide them when needed.
Inevitably, this leads to some pretty hilarious exchanges, as yesterday’s AskReddit thread on the subject demonstrates. The question posed? “Professors of Reddit, what was the funniest (possibly drunk) email you’ve ever received from a student?” We’ve culled the best replies and present them here. Prepare to be amused.
Nice try, buddy
When break time rolls around, students are eager to have a little time off. Some of them are a little too eager. “I taught in the school of business at a large state university,” says one professor. “I once had a student complain that I scheduled a test during spring break. I replied that she must be mistaken, it wasn’t during spring break, the school was open that week. She replied explaining that spring break is about a month long as colleges around the US celebrate it at different times, and she would be in Cancun with her friends that week because that was when their university was having spring break. Also, she was a senior.”