Professor Soothes Crying Baby, Saves The Day


You’ve seen the viral picture on Facebook, now get to read the whole story behind this picture of this A+ professor and the baby in his arms.

Many students come in to soak up a lot of learning in Professor Sydney Engleberg’s class at the Hebrew University at Jerusalem. A good percentage of them are young mothers looking to push their education forward, often with their little tots in tow. Some people may frown on the practice, saying babies are big distractions in an academic setting, but color Professor Engleberg differently — in fact, he encourages it.

Naysayers may have been proven right earlier this week, when one student’s baby burst into tears in the middle of his organisational behaviour class. The mom had brought her kid with her as she had no babysitter to leave him with.

Flustered and embarrassed, she was so close to getting up and leaving class, when Engleberg scooped up the wailing tot in his arms and continued teaching.


His daughter, Sarit Fishbaine, explains: “He’s the one that’s in motion, he’s walking around the class. So he just takes the baby and continues teaching.”

“There’s a lot of young moms and a lot of them have babies, and he encourages them to just bring their babies to class. My dad just loves kids and loves babies, he has five grandchildren, so he just takes the baby.”

Englesberg has been a teacher for 45 years and teaches for the masters degree program, which is why he often gets older students from all walks of life — professionals, continuing students, and yes, parents.

We applaud Professor Engleberg and his big heart! May your tribe increase!

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