Sarah Michelle Gellar has been trending nationwide for a few days now and it is not because she is slaying vampires or having more cruel intentions. Nope, she took a totally different route and got in a heated Disney Princess rap battle. Gellar looks right at home dressed as a princess, don’t you think?
#LetTheRapBattleBegin!!! @RealSMG vs @whitneyavalon #CinderellaVsBelle
— Sarah Michelle (@SarahMGellar) January 25, 2015
The Ex-Buffy Vampire Slayer has been teasing this epic rap battle on Twitter since late January alongside Whitney Avalon whom she raps against.
.@whitneyavalon #FBF remember that day we recorded a super cool rap? #PrincessRapBattle #TeamCindy
— Sarah Michelle (@SarahMGellar) February 7, 2015
Super fun day yesterday- I can't wait for all you guys to see it #PrincessRapBattle #TeamCindy
— Sarah Michelle (@SarahMGellar) January 26, 2015
Whose team are you on? #CinderellaVsBelle #PrincessRapBattle @whitneyavalon
— Sarah Michelle (@SarahMGellar) January 26, 2015
And Gellar asks a very valid question with this tweet below:
Um……how did they do this??? #PrincessRapBattle
— Sarah Michelle (@SarahMGellar) January 26, 2015
Whitney Avalon has made appearances in various TV shows, commercials, and has a large following on YouTube. Avalon has done a handful Princess Rap Battles that have millions of views online, like Snow White vs. Elsa, Mary Poppins vs. Mrs. Claus, and now Cinderella vs. Belle.
Playing the part of Cinderella, Gellar, goes against Belle, played by Avalon. Belle is backed by Pocahontas and Snow White, while Cinderella’s backup are her two evil step-sisters.
This video went viral overnight. Already getting over 3 million views, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Avalon have rapped their way to the top.