‘Popeye’ Bodybuilder Claims He Has Biggest Biceps In Russia [Photo]


Kirill Tereshin, 21, has broken the internet incessantly with his rather divergent approach to fitness.

Instead of relying on exercise and diet, he injects himself with a substance named synthol, which has fueled his arms to grow to an undreamt size.

Bodybuilder Kirill Tereshin says he has the biggest arms in Russia … now, what you gonna do about it?; Photo: Facebook

The divisive bodybuilder, with more than 500,000 fans on social media and dozens of photos flexing his 62 centimetre (24 inch) biceps, has now boasted as having the largest arms in Russia.

Kirill contended: “Nobody has arms like that, that is it, I am number one.”

Tereshin want to pump ? you up!; Photo: Scoopnest

Kirill work outs, in addition to injecting synthol in his arms, but stated that he would like to break bodybuilding records; and after infusing the drug saw his arms grow by 10 inches in just 10 days. Ab initio injecting 250 ml into his upper arms, he found growth restricted.

Kirill commented at the time: “In order to reach such a size, you need to inject litres into your arms… I was doing it and getting a fever of up to 40 degrees, I was lying in bed, feeling like I was dying, but then it all turned out fine.”


Regardless of the tout however, some have been critical of the real life Popeye‘s shady tactics for success, saying that if his muscles were meat they would not be viewed as fit for human consumption due to the additives that had been injected into them.

Medical experts say he is compromising his health as synthol can cause granuloma, ulcers, nerve damage, pulmonary embolisms and even strokes.


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