You’ve Never Seen Ping Pong Trick Shots Like These – Whoa!

Ping Pong

It’s a science behind trick shots in cup ping pong.

Trick shots entail bouncing the ping pong ball off walls and other surfaces, sometimes numerous times. The first ste, is to locate a place for your cup. Place your cup in the right position for your trick.  To begin, position the cup in a spot where there are a lot of ‘bounceable’ surfaces close by.

Ping Pong
Photo by Giphy

Step two: Use geometry. Comprehend that the key to a trick shot is rudimentary geometry. Providing you take the time to analyze how the way you angle your shot impacts its success, you’ll formulate a technique that will serve you for countless shots of varying complexities.

Ping Pong
Photo by Giphy

The third step is to begin with a simple shot. Start off with a simple trick shot of only one bounce. Choose a surface and give it an attempt. Mentally-note where your ball hits the surface and how that effects the shot. Practice and practice your shot some more until you master it.

Step 4: Try out multiple bounces. Make the ball go in the cup using more than one bounce. Utilize a level, flat surface and restrict the bounces to a single surface. Observe and study how the first bounce affects the second bounce.

The fifth and last step: Test multiple surfaces. After you’ve mastered multiple bounces, shoot the ball off more than one surface with multiple bounces. Take your sweet time and witness how the ball reacts to each surface and each bounce.

Ping Pong
Photo by Giphy

With all of that said … check out ping pong trick shots by Dude Perfect (begins right around the 2:01 mark)

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