Telegram is a mobile messaging app created by co-founders Pavel and Nikolai Durov. The co-founders announced today that they crossed a new mark in their milestones, 35 million monthly active users.
Telegram has crossed a new mark – 35 million users.
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) March 24, 2014
The company’s rival app, Whatsapp was bought by Facebook for $19 billion dollars and had 435 million users at the time of its acquisition.
Telegram sees over 15 million daily active users and over the past 30 days the messaging network has had 8 billion messages received on its platform.
In October, the app had just 100,000 daily active users. Telegram experienced huge spikes in downloads at the time of the Facebook/Whatsapp acquisition, seeing 5 million downloads in just a single day.
The team is constantly updating the app to provide better, more crisp experiences for users. When it comes to mobile messaging, speed is essential and being a competitor with Whatsapp, so are features that can keep it onpar quality wise.
Recently Telegram has added ‘Secret Chats’ which features end-to-end encryption where nothing is logged by the company’s servers and users can automatically program messages to self-destruct from both devices so there’s no record of it.