People flock to Disney World in Orlando, Florida for a good time with family and friends, but visitors to the T-Rex Cafe got a bit more than what they paid for.
Captured Monday evening by Instagram user edgesoftheearth, a large fish tank suddenly burst open causing everyone to scramble:
The Orlando Sentinel spoke with an eyewitness, Kate Wallace, who was sitting 20 feet away when she heard a “big noise.”
“The staff — they were doing the best job that they could. It was craziness. Just kind of people freaking out. It’s not something that you see very often. How do you respond to that?”
Wallace says that the staff helped diners to quickly get out of the cafe, and used nets to capture the very confused fish.
Instead of hightailing it out of there, around 10 to 15 people stuck behind to snap photos and record videos like the one above.
According to reports, no one was injured from the bizarre fish tank incident.
Photo credit: Serena