Mark Zuckerberg Launches Facebook Page…For His Puppy!

Mark Zuckerberg and his Puppy

I have questioned The Social Network since the movie debuted, after all how could a guy who has already pledged to give most of his money away to charities be the mean jerk he was portrayed to be and now Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has softened his image further, launching a Facebook page for his puppy named Beast.

The little whit Puli can be seen on his page in Zuckerberg’s arms, lounging around Zuckerberg’s new house and just being cute in typical puppy fashion.

Beast already has over 131,000 “Likes” making him one of the most popular pooch pages on the social network.

Listed as the pages owners are Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend (possibly his fiance according to Bill Gates) Priscilla Chan.

Could the page be a PR ploy to give Zuckerberg a more wholesome image? Sure. But more than likely just like my wife who launched a page for our puppy he might just want to show off his adorable puppy.

Here’s a gallery of Zuckerberg puppy pictures: (click to enlarge)

Facebook has not confirmed at this time that Mark or Priscilla put up the page.

James Kosur

James Kosur has worked in the new media space for the last 10 years, helping many publications build their audiences to millions of monthly readers. He currently serves as the CEO of Aven Enterprises LLC.


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