Mark Zuckerberg Gets Roasted by h3r3 and It’s Golden

Honestly, if you do not follow h3r3 on YouTube, you do not understand the power of YouTube. That ‘channel’ is more hilarious than 75% of what is out there for comedic entertainment right now, while also keeping its pulse steadily on the zeitgeist of pop culture.

Take for example, the following “roast” of Mark Zuckerberg, who we all know is Satan disguised in human form who has turned us all into algorithms he then sells to other countries to make us mindless consumers. Oh, and he has also recorded all our conversations and sent that, as well as other very private information, accessible to people who should not have it.

So if anyone deserves to be roasted (alive, literally) right now outside our peach President it is Mark Zuckerberg and h3r3 do it so well here that, well, it speaks for itself:

More like Mark Suckerberg, am I right?


Well, I am not as good at it as h3r3, real talk.

Now someone gets ZUCC some burn creme stat, cuz h3r3 just 3rd degreed his smug ass!


The Greatest Newscaster Who EVER LIVED!



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