Man Wins $200,000 Due To Lack Of Favorite Lottery Tickets


A fortuitous man from North Carolina said he will be going on a cruise for his 50th anniversary after an absence of his favored lottery tickets led him to a $200,000 prize.

Fayetteville‘s own Henry Lipsey told North Carolina Education Lottery officials he was not having much fortune at B&B Bowling Lanes on Monday, so he opted to switch gears and play the lottery.

“I’m part of a senior bowling league,” Lipsey expressed.

“We didn’t win our games, so I decided I might have better luck playing a scratch-off ticket.” Lipsey stated he was faced with a decision when he found they were out of Crown Jewels scratch-offs, his preferred ticket.

He settled for a Carolina Panther scratch-off and purchased two of the tickets.

Carolina Panther scratch-off; Photo: YouTube

“I scanned the first ticket and didn’t win anything,” said Lipsey.

“When I scanned the second ticket it said, ‘Go to lottery headquarters.’ I turned it over and scratched it. When I saw the helmet and the number, I got a big smile on my face. I was a happy camper.

“We’re going to go to the Dominican Republic and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

“We’ve been married a long time… I always say, ‘Happy wife, happy life.'”

Photo: Pinterest

Lipsey, who pocketed $141,003 after federal and state tax withholdings, said he is going to use the newfound wealth to treat his wife to an amorous cruise for their 50th anniversary.


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