Laura the Lizard Pops Bubbles, Gives Us Life [Video]

Laura the Lizard

In a world that seems it’s out to stress you to an early grave, it’s often the simpler pleasures in life that bring us back to some semblance of calm and sanity. A cupcake. A coloring-book break in your cubicle. Or maybe even just blowing bubbles out on the office porch.

The next best thing to blowing bubbles is popping them. While we humans pop the soapy orbs and ponder on this metaphor for the ephemeral and fleeting nature of things, one chameleon just revels in the glory of grasping them toward infinity. and, well, popping bubbles is just totally awesome.

Watch Laura follow her bliss below:

Here we see her reaching for the bubbles, grasping at forever with her zygodactylous feet, her eyes wide in rapt attention. (Maybe she’s born with it.) It is beautiful, and all is right with the world.

She’s beauty, she’s grace, and Twitter knows her face.

When not enthralled with bubble bliss, Laura occasionally enjoys the fine arts of tree-climbing and camouflage.

Nick, Laura’s human, is keeping it together with all the new-found attention.

We think he’s handling it pretty well.

Meanwhile, we have Laura, chill af like the awesome cold-blooded critter she is.

Laura, teach us your ways. Let us be more like you.


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