Kate Upton, Will You Go To Prom With Me? [Viral Video]

kate upton

UPDATE: *gasp* Has she said “yes?”

One man’s earnest video plea to Sports Illustrated bombshell Kate Upton to accompany him to his prom is going viral this morning, and the video’s star already has a social outreach campaign waiting to take off.

In a pretty well put-together clip, Davidson appeals to the SI supermodel to be his prom date on March 23, 2013. The video has gone semi-viral with almost 30,000 views, but the remarkable thing about the video (besides its sweetness) is that Davidson has very obviously thought about the best way to get Upton’s attention for a while now.

He has a Facebook fan page titled “Help Send Kate Upton To Prom With Jake Davidson” and a Twitter handle (@jakedavidson23) in the video’s description. Go to the fan page, and the description is simple: “If you tweet tweet @kateupton and @jakedavidson23 with hashtag #promwithJake,” with a link back to the video. Smart, kid.

Let’s be real though, can this kid really use social media to successfully get Kate Upton to go to prom with him?


This is social media we’re talking about. Lesser movements have gone viral for nothing, and similar movements have seen similar success. Don’t you remember back in 2011 when Sgt. Scott Moore (stationed in Afghanistan) made a YouTube video asking actress Mila Kunis to accompany him to the Marine Corps Ball in Greenville, North Carolina?

Who is laughing at Sgt. Moore now? Nobody, because Kunis heard about it and totally accepted the date.

So suck it, haters! Let’s get this kid to prom with Kate Upton! Ooh rah! [his Facebook, his Twitter, his YouTube channel]

[iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/NvxqUEMDBp8″ width=”560″ height=”315″]

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a seasoned professional with a strong background in growth strategies and editorial responsibilities. Kokou has been instrumental in driving companies' expansion and fortifying their market presence. His academic credentials underscore his expertise; having studied Communication at the Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy), he later honed his skills in growth hacking at the Growth Tribe Academy (Amsterdam).


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