Joss Whedon Tweets Disney ‘Firefly’ Fanart, Browncoat Social Media Fandom Goes Crazy

disney firefly fan art


Joss Whedon’s Firefly is one of the internet’s first not fully requited loves, the sort of fandom that erupted solely because as it died a sudden and premature death, fans were newly enabled to mourn its passing en masse and eternally — and have they ever.

Whedon and the Firefly cast frequently interact on social media sites with both the fandom itself and just generally regarding fandom related content, and Twitter, Facebook, and a number of other social sites boast a massive Browncoat presence. (Even the show’s star Nathan Fillion has been known to frequently and earnestly beat his chest in lamentation of the early demise of Firefly in places like on his Twitter feed.)

Across Facebook this morning, a new meme-ish image was circulating due to a near-canon legitimization of the image. Whedon himself tweeted a new piece of Firefly fan art, done in the style of Disney animation and sure to please at least a portion of Browncoats undoubtedly following the show’s creator.

With nearly 5,000 retweets and more than 5,500 favorites, the post shared by Whedon referenced the original Disney Firefly fanart’s creator and his initial tweet in his own assessment.

Sayeth Joss:

(So take that, Emily Asher-Perrin! Maybe it isn’t time to get over Firefly just yet.)

Stephen Byrne, the artist, said following the Whedon Twitter nod that he was “still processing,” adding:


So, Browncoats … what do you think of the Disney Firefly pic above?



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