Pretty Cunning Astronaut Wears Firefly Tee In First ISS Instagram From Space

astronaut firefly NASA selfie


Firefly is having a bit of a moment in social right now, with Joss Whedon giving fans a new art nod — and now, the first International Space Station Instagram selfie from space … featuring astronaut Steve Swanson sporting a really shiny tee in the super sciencey cool image.

It’s not really surprising astronauts would dig Firefly, which bundles lots of elements of Americana and love of space and cowboys into one short, tragically epic season. But Swanson’s ISS Firefly selfie is pretty gorram cool all the same, especially as it’s the first of its kind on the photo-centric social site, being in space and all at the time.

Universe Today tipped us off to the tweet from last week, in which Swanson is leaning back and chilling like an off-the-clock mudder, and the site adds:

“We’re happy the epicness did not break NASA’s Instagram feed, as Swanson has been sending out pictures regularly since then showing the view from orbit (he joked about wanting a vacation at one point) as well as another selfie … During Swanson’s first mission to space in 2007, STS-117, he brought with him the DVD set of Firefly and its movie spinoff, Serenity and left it on the International Space Station library, according to collectSPACE.”


NASA also Instagram name-checked Firefly last week:

Is Swanny’s Firefly selfie from the ISS the coolest thing in social media science you’ve seen all year?



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