President Obama addressed issues of censorship and terrorism this morning in relation to the threats made against Sony and the release of The Interview. Oh, he also got James Franco’s name wrong and called him James Flacco.
Sony pulled the movie The Interview after receiving threats of a “9/11 style attack” from North Korean hackers. The studio also has no plans of releasing the film online.
Obama said: “Sony’s a corporation. It suffered significant damage. There were threats against some of its employees … I am sympathetic to the concerns that they faced. Having said all that, yes, I think they made a mistake … I would have told them ‘Do not get into a pattern in which you’re intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks.’ That’s not who we are. That’s not what America’s about.”
Obama’s comments were appreciated by many who felt that Sony shouldn’t have caved to the hackers. Of course, his message was completely lost on much of the Twitterverse because he accidentally called James Franco James Flacco.
I choose to believe that “James Flaco” is the president’s personal nickname for Franco, dude does need to eat a cheeseburger. — Wintry B (@whittingly) December 19, 2014
Obama probably just confused James Franco and Waka Flocka. Understandable. — Annie Colbert (@anniecolbert) December 19, 2014
James Flaco, not the hero we want but the hero we need! The sorta guy who’ll make countless parody movies featuring North Korea. — Grant (@GAK) December 19, 2014
James Franco hasn’t commented on the flub but someone did make a parody account for the actor.
Thanks for the name drop, Mr. President. It’s an honor. — James Flacco (@JamesFlacco) December 19, 2014