YouTuber Alex Hyner teaches us how to talk the talk and walk the Walken.
lex Hyner isn’t a popular YouTube personality. He isn’t unpopular, either. He is, quite simply, undiscovered. It’s a shame, because the 27 year-old comedian is a truly talented soul. Take his impeccable Christopher Walken impression, for example. Close your eyes and you might just forget who’s talking. But celebrity imitators are, pardon the cliche, a dime a dozen. Mr. Hyner stands out for giving the rest of us some solid advice for pulling the imitation off. Come on, we’ve all practiced our Walken standing in front of our bathroom mirror, intoning “whoa” and “man”, giggling to ourselves trying to understand where that bizarre accent comes from.
You can watch Hyner’s video below:
So, where does Walken’s strange speech cadence come from? Probably his mixed heritage. Walken is the son of a German immigrant father and a Scottish mother. He grew up hearing broken English, tempered with the heavy New York accent of his native Queens. As Walken himself put it:
“I think my rhythm is a bit like someone whose first language isn’t English. I could get away with being a German commandant and not really have to do a lot of accent, because I already sound like I don’t speak English that well.” — Christopher Walken
Here’s another Walken fact you may not have known: Christopher isn’t his real first name, but a stage name. Legally, he’s still known as Ronald Walken, or Ronnie to his closest friends and family.
This is only one of Mr. Hyner’s many videos, most of which have barely cracked a hundred views at the time of this writing. Check his stuff out, it’s worth it.
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