Good Karma Comes Back to Selfless Sikh [video]


The good you do sends ripples into the world, and somehow the ripples come back to you. That’s how Karma rolls.

KarmaA few weeks ago, selfless Sikh man Harman Singh thwarted a strict tenet of his faith by taking off his turban to save a young boy’s life. He kept his humanity above religious protocol, and people cheered for him, both within his local community as well as all over the world.

However, reporters from New Zealand OneNews couldn’t help but notice something very striking as they interviewed him in his own home: Singh had very, very sparse furniture, with only two plastic lawn chairs, a makeshift table, and a mattress on the floor to speak of.

One viewer commented, ‘It upsets us all to see such a lovely kind man living in such an empty home.’

With that, they and Singh’s neighborhood knew exactly what had to be done. The reporters came back to “interview” Singh a second time, successfully distracting him from their surprise for him.

Despite his new-found worldwide fame, Singh has kept humble through all the congratulatory pats on the back. “Me, famous? Oh no, I’m not famous … My religion is famous,” he bashfully smiles. Little does he know a lorry is backing up to his front door filled with gifts from his neighborhood and the channel: a splendidly comfy lounge set, a coffee table, and a mattress.

The reporters invite him to come outside, and he is overwhelmed. “Thank you, thanks a lot. I’m very happy. It’s the biggest surprise of my life.” Singh broke down into quiet tears of gratitude, and the reporters did, too.


Cheers, Harman! We sincerely hope you and your flatmate Ravi enjoy your new furniture.

Watch the report here:

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