Glastonbury Using People’s Pee To Power This Year’s Festival

The Glastonbury Music Festival is one of the world’s major music festivals, and is a highly popular and sought after event. Like many festivals, it is a days long event that features music from many famous bands and musicians from all over the world. While normally the festival makes the press in passing, this year they are getting a little more exposure by stepping up and doing something rather unique.

They are going to power the festival using the attendee’s urine.

Yes, you read that correctly. Everything from the lights on stage to how you charge your phone at Glastonbury will be done by using what they call pee-powered tech. No, I am not making this up.

This pee-nology was designed by the geniuses over at Bristol Bioenergy Centre (BBiC) and this is only its first stages (literally, as Glastonbury will have actual stages). Curious to see how this all plays out. Sounds great on paper, but this could get messy.

Just kidding, seems like a genius way to deal with waste and a cheap way to produce energy so it is a win/win for all.

Now just fast forward to the day I can piss into my gas tank for more mileage, PLEASE?



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