Massage therapy is just one of the most intimate services we’ll ever get to know as human beings. Whether you’re the one working them kinks and knots out of people’s backs, or being the one on their table wearing nothing but a towel and some aromatic massage oil, massage is one job where you need a lot of trust and professionalism.
That is, unless things get real awkward, real fast.
Just take a look at these secrets from massage therapists around the world from the Whisper app.
Sometimes, you just can’t help it.
And there will be times when you really, truly, just can’t help it at all. (He was just… so Bae.)
Of course, there are the little undiscovered perks you uncover along the way.
As well as the secret little pleasures, if that’s your thing. (though that does sound like borderline harassment, tbh.)
And then, there are some who do get naughty with their clients on the sly.
Like, real naughty.
Like, real wild naughty.
And yeah, the job does have its own share of awkward moments.
And there’s that temptation we so often see get realized in a lot of porn.
Being a massage therapist in’t all jokes and fun, though. It comes with it’s own occupational hazards, too.
Not to mention some casualties.
There are some who have just had about enough with all the ‘happy ending’ jokes.
And some who see the job as one of the best ways to put some healing love and care back into the big ol’ scary world. They’re just keepin’ it real.
And for some… Well, it’s nothing short of something out of a love story with a truly happy ending. (sort of.)