FundedByMe Looking To Raise ~$400K For Its Equity CrowdFunding Platform


FundedByMe is a crowd investment platform that connects investors and entrepreneurs. The platform helps companies grow via investment, loan, or backing.

Investors or backers can receive equity, yearly interest, or rewards based on the terms of the campaigns they put money into.

Today the company launched its own campaign on its platform hoping to raise around $400,000 which will be used for product development and further expansion.

FundedByMe currently employs 18 people across 8 countries in Europe and Singapore.

The company is also introducing ‘crowd-lending’ as an option for backers. Starting out it will be offering profit-participating loans in Germany before adding peer-to-company lending, and convertible lending to Sweden. Additional options will follow in the other markets FundedByMe operates in.

Over 32,000 registered international investors have joined FundedByMe and its platform has funded over $6.2 million in deals.

FundedByMe is planning on rolling out crowd-lending to Europe and Asia, making it the first real ‘cross-border’ crowd investment platform.

In 2011 the company launched crowdfunding in Sweden, then the company changed and developed its business model by adding equity crowdfunding in 2012. The company experienced significant growth in 2013 and now it wants to focus on becoming profitable.



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