Facebook’s Effect On Mood Strongest Of All Social Networks

facebook's effect on mood

Facebook’s effect on mood has been widely cited in a bevy of new studies — mainly ones that have surfaced over the past few years and peg the social network as an envy engine — but a new survey seems to not only confirm its ability to precipitate negative emotions, but positive ones too.

Facebook’s effect on mood has been estimated or often perceived as a negative thing, and a new study on its influence indeed confirms that Facebook outstrips other social networks in terms of the way it makes you feel relatively overall.

Rebtel, a low-cost telecom, surveyed users about Facebook’s effect on mood and determined that Facebook indeed was most likely to stress users out or precipitate a bummed feeling — but that overwhelmingly, it was also likely to cheer a user up. Aw, Facebook!

Mashable picked up the survey’s results, and as far as Facebook’s effect on mood in a positive way, here is how it ranked against the competition:

Facebook – 45.9%
YouTube – 17.5%
LinkedIn – 6.5%
Twitter – 4.0%
Pinterest – 1.7%
Instagram – 1.4%
Reddit ­­– 1.3%
Foursquare – .3%
MySpace – .3%
Tumblr – .1%
None have an effect on my mood – 19.6%
Other – 1.3%

In a statement about the survey regarding Facebook’s effect on mood, Rebtel’s CEO Andreas Bernström commented:

“Our social media report helps paint an interesting picture of our evolving communications tastes and preferences, and how even routine activities such as checking friends into locations, can have an adverse affect on our relationships.”

Do you find Facebook’s effect on mood to be more positive or negative than other networks?



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