Facebook Privacy Settings Upgraded With Navigation Bar Shortcuts

Facebook Privacy Settings

Facebook privacy settings have been made more accessible with the introduction of shortcuts on the navigation bar. When you go to post something on Facebook, you have the option to change who sees it right next to the “Post” button. Now on the top right of the navigation bar, you’ll see a lock icon right next to “Home.”

Clicking the icon will drop-down several options:

  • Who can see my stuff?
  • Who can contact me?
  • How do I stop someone from bothering me?

“Who can see my stuff?” has to do with Facebook privacy settings for your posts. Like with posting, you can choose public, friends, only me, and custom. Changing your privacy setting there will make it the default setting for all your posts.

“Who can contact me?” allows you to change who can contact you. You can choose from everyone, friends of friends, or just friends.

It’s not clear yet what “How do I stop someone from bothering me?” helps with, but chances are it involves blocking others and changing who can comment on your posts. Aside from changes with Facebook privacy settings, the Activity Log has also received an upgrade.

You’ll see more information on how your personal data is being used across the social network. In the Activity Log under “Photos Of You,” Facebook has made it much easier to untag yourself from photos or videos.

Now when you hide a post on your or a friend’s Timeline, you’ll see an alert that says “It [the post] still appears in search, news feed and other places on Facebook.” Instead of making a single request to access your personal info and post to your account, apps now have to make two separate requests.

Want to stay hidden in Facebook search? The option to stay hidden appears to be removed. Shortcuts for Facebook privacy settings will start rolling out today with the feature making its way to all users in the next few weeks.



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