Facebook Paper Partners With TED For Exclusive Content Deal

Ted on Paper

Hoping to attract new audiences, Facebook has announced a partnership with TED, their first exclusive content deal for the app.

The partnership was put into place to populate the ‘Ideas’ section of Paper. Facebook will be covering TED’s 30th anniversary which is taking place March 17th through March 21st in Vancouver.

Over the course of the event, the Ideas section will feature exclusive photos, posts, and presentations from TED attendees, TED talk videos and blog posts from public figures, such as journalists, and many others who are attending the conference and planning on covering it.

The majority of the content will be available immediately only on Facebook and Paper.

Facebook says they are looking forward to seeing the reactions to the TED experiment and will consider future partnerships and exclusive content for additional sections in Paper if responses are good.

Paper launched in early February to offer people a new way to read their News Feed. While the newspaper-like app is touted as elegant, reports on content have been modest. These exclusive partnerships could help tip the scale and give Paper the content it needs to shift people to using it more as their primary Facebook app.



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